Monday, January 5, 2009

Chinese Auctions

It's that time of year again. My mailbox stopped being used for bills only. It got invaded!! Every day or so, another Yeshiva, Organization or Private Tzeduka Fund, send me their booklet of prizes aimed to entice me to part from my hard earned money for a chance to win a trip to the Amazon or an African Safari. All in the name of Tzeduka!! Now.... why, pray tell, should I want to take parachute lessons or snorkeling with the whales when my wages got cut in half, gas prices are through the roof and fresh bread in my home is almost as rear as Chardonnay.
But Split-the -Pot??? That's a different story! That can make me into a rich guy. For ten bucks or so, they are willing to share their profit with little old me? Now THAT's what I call real Tzeduka in a real way. We all get to profit from that one. \
So, let me search between my couch....check my kids pockets... empty out the junk drawer... crack open my piggy bank.... borrow some from my son's coin collection, and call in that raffle.

Hey, you never know!!

1 comment:

  1. How true. With the aconomybeing the way it is... people are trying just to survive . The day to day is exensive enough, and all those Auction prizes seem so stupid in a time like this
